What is Otolaryngology?
Simply speaking, Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery is a surgical subspecialty that deals with the area of the body above the collarbones except brains, eyes, and spinal column. It is perhaps better known as E.N.T. or Ear, Nose, and Throat. Otolaryngologists treat many common ailments with a full complement of medical and surgical techniques. They take care of people of all ages.

Common problems seen by an otolaryngologist are:
- Thyroid nodules and cancers
- Tonsil and adenoid problems
- Nose and sinus issues
- Ear infections
- Hearing loss
- Head and neck tumors and cancers
- Sleep apnea
- Hoarseness
- Dizziness
- Problems swallowing
Surgeries that are done are:
- Tonsillectomy with or without adenoidectomy
- Thyroidectomy
- Ear tubes and other ear surgeries
- Septoplasty
- Endoscopic sinus surgery
- Cancer removal from the mouth, larynx, and throat areas
- Cosmetic and reconstructive surgery
- Salivary gland surgery
Specialties within Otalaryngology
After medical school, the otolaryngology residency is 5 years long. All otolaryngologists are trained in all areas of the specialty and can treat many head and neck problems.

There are several specialties within Otolaryngology for very specific training, including:
- Head and Neck Surgery, the treatment of cancers and tumors on the head and neck area.
- Rhinology, the treatment of nasal and sinus problems
Otology/neuro-otology, the treatment of ears, hearing, dizziness, and balance issue
Laryngology, the treatment of the voicebox (larynx), throat and swallowing.
Facial Plastics and Reconstructive Surgery, for cosmetic, functional, and reconstructive disorders of the face and neck.
Pediatric otolaryngology, for the treatment of many head and neck ailments in children.
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